import base64 import hashlib from Crypto import Random from Crypto.Cipher import AES import string import time BS = 16 pad = lambda s: s + (BS - len(s) % BS) * chr(BS - len(s) % BS).encode() unpad = lambda s: s[:-ord(s[len(s)-1:])] def iv(): """ The initialization vector to use for encryption or decryption. It is ignored for MODE_ECB and MODE_CTR. """ return chr(0) * 16 class AESCipher(object): """ """ def __init__(self, key): self.key = key #self.key = hashlib.sha256(key.encode()).digest() def encrypt(self, message): """ It is assumed that you use Python 3.0+ , so plaintext's type must be str type(== unicode). """ message = message.encode() raw = pad(message) cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv()) enc = cipher.encrypt(raw) return base64.b64encode(enc).decode('utf-8') def decrypt(self, enc): enc = base64.b64decode(enc) cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv()) dec = cipher.decrypt(enc) return unpad(dec).decode('utf-8') class question: def __init__(self, qtype, qproblem, qoption1, qoption2, qoption3, qoption4): qtype = self.qtype qproblem = self.qproblem qoption1 = self.qoption1 qoption2 = self.qoption2 qoption3 = self.qoption3 qoption4 = self.qoption4 class libexam: mode = 0 mode_set = 0 username = "" questions = [] def setmode(modein): mode=modein modeset=1 print(f"Mode set to: {mode}\n") #1: client 2: admin return 0 def status(): return f"""Mode: {mode} Username: {username}\n""" def setuser(user): username=user print(f"Username set to: {user}\n") return 0 def readquestions(): sha256=hashlib.sha256() questiondocs = open("question.txt", "r") n = questiondocs.readline() sha256.update(n) print(f"n={n}\n") counter=n while(True):#hash check temp = questiondocs.readline() if(temp=="chk"): sha256.update(temp) rhash = sha256.digest() ehash = questiondocs.readline() if(rhash==ehash): print(f"Hashes match: {rhash}\n") break else: print(f"Hashes does not match !\nExpected: {ehash}\nGot: {rhash}\n") return 1 sha256.update(temp) questiondocs.close() questiondocs = open("question.txt", "r") temp = questiondocs.readline() while(True): temp = questiondocs.readline() if(temp=="chk"): break qtype = temp temp = questiondocs.readline() temp = temp.split("|") questions.append(question(qtype,temp[0],temp[1],temp[2],temp[3],temp[4])) def writeanswer(qn,ans) if(username=""){ print(f"Username not set!\n") return 1 } md5 = hashlib.md5() md5.update(username) filename = md5.digest() print(f"MD5 hash of {user}: {filename}") sha256 = hashlib.sha256() datadocs = open(f"{filename}.txt", "r") n = datadocs.readline() sha256.update(n) while(True):#hash check temp = data.readline() if(temp=="chk"): sha256.update(temp) rhash = sha256.digest() ehash = data.readline() if(rhash==ehash): print(f"Hashes match: {rhash}\n") break else: print(f"Hashes does not match !\nExpected: {ehash}\nGot: {rhash}\n") return 1 sha256.update(temp) datadocs.close() datadocs = open(f"{filename}.txt", "r+") timestamp = hex(int(time.time()))#part c of a line according to docs while(len(timestamp) != 16): timestamp = "0" + timestamp cd = timestamp + ans bhash = hashlib.sha256() bhash.update(cd) b = bhash.digest() print(f"Timestamp: {timestamp}\nAnswer: {ans}\nPart B Hash: {b}") userhash = hashlib.sha256() userhash.update(username) key = userhash.digest()#generated key for encryption print(f"Key generated: {key}\n") bcd = AESCipher(key).encrypt(b + cd) #encrypt print(f"Parts B C D Encrypted: {bcd}\n") ahash = hashlib.sha256() ahash.update(bcd) a = ahash.digest() print(f"Parts A Hash: {a}\n") print(f"Data to write: {a + bcd}\n") # read a list of lines into data data = datadocs.readlines() # now change the answer line, note that you have to add a newline data[qn] = a + bcd # and write everything back datadocs.writelines(data) datadocs.close() datadocs = open(f"{filename}.txt", "r+") n = datadocs.readline() sha256.update(n) while(True):#calculate hash temp = data.readline() if(temp=="chk"): sha256.update(temp) targethash = data.readline() break sha256.update(temp) print(f"New hash generated: {targethash}\n") # read a list of lines into data data = datadocs.readlines() # now change the answer line, note that you have to add a newline data[1+n] = targethash # and write everything back datadocs.writelines(data) datadocs.close() return 0